Hyperspace finds files with identical contents and then reclaims the disk space taken by all but one of the identical files—without removing any of the files. To do this, Hyperspace uses a standard feature of the macOS file system: space-saving clones.
Front and Center
Front and Center lets you control the window layering policy on your Mac. In “Classic” mode, clicking on a window brings all the windows in that app to the front, just like it did in classic Mac OS. In “Modern” mode, only the clicked window comes to the front. In either mode, Shift-click on a window to get the opposite of the chosen behavior.
SwitchGlass adds a dedicated application switcher to your Mac. You can customize its appearance, size, and position on each attached display, including hiding it on selected displays. It pairs perfectly with Front and Center, supporting both click and Shift-click actions on app icons in the floating app switcher.
Also, Safari Reload Button provides a reload button for Safari that can be placed anywhere in the Safari toolbar.